step back?
hi! here's a bit about me, your host through the dovegrass
- i am 16! quite young to go through the dovegrass, but i'm here anyhow
- i'm in community college, and i was homeschooled. i've quite liked the both of em!
- i like God if that's not apparent so far. i'm Christian, but i'm a progressive one
- because... it just so happens that i am trans. she/her. yea. if you have any questions about me being trans and a Christian, you can get to me on...
- discord: grasses#6120, and if you'd like that more
- outside of those spots, i'm also on rateyourmusic. while they're an odd sort, it's a nice place, and you can see what i've been listenin to
- other than the topics you see on this website, i really like history and animals. as for pets, i've had dogs and rats. if you want dog/rat pictures, send me somethin on discord or email!
that's all i have to say on myself. thanks for listening!